
I am now living in Beijing, China. Kelani is in university in Louisiana. So many things to add to the recipe box.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety
That simply explains our household lately. The onset of puberty is major contributing factor, the moderation of MYP and DP a minor contributing factor. I read an article off the Yahoo site regarding foods to help deal with stress and anxiety, the following help alleviate some of this:
Dark chocolate- that would be for the mom
Skim milk- does whole milk count a little?
Oatmeal- we can find oatmeal bars as a snack
Salmon for its omega 3, I hope tuna is a reasonable substitute
Walnuts- no problem
Sunflower seeds- they are abundant here but they’re not the same (can’t easily get the skin off), but this just might require more experimentation.
Spinach- got it in abundance
Blueberries- when are they in season? Haven’t seen them yet in Turkey

Tonight K-dog wanted pasta with red sauce- no problem.
I made a sauce with:

Part 1:
2 cups spinach
¼ cup walnuts
4 tomatoes
½ cup tomato sauce (I thought it was puree but it was too runny)
4 cloves garlic
I put all of this in the food processor and ground it up.

Part 2:
1 ½ cups of the marinated eggplant
2 tablespoons capers (green blueberries con salt?)
Slowly heat up part 2 in a large-ish pan, when warm and a little bubbly add part one.

Part 3:
Boiled noodles- your choice, lots of stores have the “fresh” ravioli or just bowties or elbows

Once the noodles are ready, add a little oil to a wok, start frying the noodles and add the mixture of 1 and 2. I like to add a little cheese, that is optional. Mix it all up and enjoy!

I have noticed that after dinner my little darling is feeling much better about herself. And if I give her an oatmeal bar after school she is less dramatic and emotional. Or maybe the idea just works well with me?

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